VPNA Annual Meeting March 18 at 6pm Whittier School

Please join us for the 2013 Veterans Park Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting.

When: March 18, 2013 at 6pm
Where: Whittier Elementary, 301 N 29th St, Boise, ID 83702


  • Construction update on Whitewater Blvd (30th Street Extension)
  • Esther Simplot Park update from the City of Boise
  • West End Historic Trail update including a first peak at signage and a presentation about the history of Esther Simplot Park area – learn about slaughterhouses, an airfield and gravel mining.
  • Election of officers (if you are interested in joining the board, here is more info)
  • Following the meeting there will be an open house to discuss neighborhood issues with representatives from various organizations. 


Annual Meeting Monday March 19

Please join us for the annual VPNA neighborhood meeting…

Monday, March 19, 2012 from 6-8pm

Taft Elementary (note different location than last few years).

An open house will begin at 6pm and include tables with representatives from:

  • ACHD ongoing projects (Wylie Lane, 30th Street, etc…)
  • Capital City Development Corp.
  • Multi-Use Sports complex
  • First Congregational Church
  • 30th Street Cultural Arts Plan
  • VPNA


The meeting will begin at 630pm and include the following:

  • West End Walking Trail update combined with Boise Architecture Project students from Boise High presenting historical research for a few neighborhood landmarks.
  • 30th Street Cultural Arts Plan presented by local designer Stephanie Inman
  • Multi-Use Sports Stadium (ie new Boise Hawks stadium and more) Marc Johnson from the Better Boise Coaliation will talk about the proposed project and answer questions. The proposal is for this stadium to be built in the Main/Fairview area.
  • VPNA Board Elections, officers and vacant area rep positions. There are a number of open board positions. For information about joining the board click here


Save the Date – VPNA Annual Meeting set for March 19

VPNA’s annual meeting will be at Taft Elementary (note different location than last few years).

Click here for a map

Monday, March 19, 2012 from 6-8pm

An open house will begin at 6pm. A few presentations and elections will occur between 6:30-7:30pm. Keep an eye out for a full agenda in the next couple weeks.

 Consider Joining the Board:

 We are drumming up interest in vacancies before the meeting. The Veteran’s Park area is divided into 9 neighborhoods (click here to see a map), currently there are many vacancies. Some neighborhoods don’t even have representation; these include Veteran’s Point,  Quail Glen and Independence Park.

 The time commitment of being a board member is mostly up to the individual. At a minimum we’d like new members to attend most monthly board meetings (held the 3rd Monday of each month at Idaho River Sports from 6:30-8pm). If you choose to get involved outside of board meetings, what you do is also left open to personal choice. Some possibilities and past examples include:

  • Representing VPNA on a CCDC sub-committee, connect to some portion of the 30th St plan implementation.
  • Getting a community center built in our neighborhood
  • Helping with fundraising to pay for our website and community events.
  • Organizing neighborhood get-togethers.
  • Writing grants. Starting the Jordan Street Community Garden.

 If you are interested in becoming a board member please send us an email at vpnaboise@gmail.com


 Matt Ciranni
VPNA President

Annual Meeting this Monday

Reminder: VPNA’s Annual Meeting is Monday
Location: Whittier Elementary (click here for map )
Date and Time: Monday, March 21, 2011 from 6-8pm

The meeting will start with presentations about VPNA, the 30th Street Steering Committee, the Neighborhood Walking Trail and the election of board members.

This will be followed by an open house with representatives from:

  • VPNA – we’ll provide computer help completing website subscriptions and answer questions about getting involved.
  • Jordan Street Refugee Garden – offering ways to buy shares of their produce this summer
  • Friends of the Ray Neef Whitewater Park
  • City of Boise Parks and Recreation Department
  • ACHD – 30th Street Extension
  • Capital City Development Corporation
  • Idaho River Sports

Annual Meeting / Join the Board Now

The VPNA Annual Meeting is just around the corner. This year we’ll have a few presentations followed by an open house with a number of interesting booths highlighting the whitewater park, 30th Street area, historic walking trail and more!
Location: Whittier Elementary (click here for map )
Date and Time: Monday, March 21, 2011 from 6-8pm

Consider Joining the Board:
We are drumming up interest in vacancies before the meeting. The Veteran’s Park area is divided into 9 neighborhoods (click here to see a map), currently there are many vacancies. Four neighborhoods don’t have any representation; these include Veteran’s Point, Park Davis, Quail Glen and Independence Park.

The time commitment of being a board member is mostly up to the individual. At a minimum we’d like new members to attend most monthly board meetings (held the 3rd Monday of each month at Idaho River Sports from 6:30-8pm). If you choose to get involved outside of board meetings, what you do is also left open to personal choice. Some possibilities and past examples include:

  • Representing VPNA on a CCDC sub-committee, connect to some portion of the 30th St plan implementation.
  • Getting a community center built in our neighborhood
  • Helping with fundraising to pay for our website and community events.
  • Organizing neighborhood get-togethers.
  • Writing grants. In the past year board members submitted grants that will hopefully pay for new playground equipment at Taft Elementary and another one to build a historical walking trail.
  • Starting the Jordan Street Community Garden.

If you are interested in becoming a board member please send us an email at vpnaboise@gmail.com

Matt Ciranni
VPNA President

Statesman Article, CCDC, Henry’s Market

We wanted to alert you to the Idaho Statesman article “Boise to Retool 30th Street Neighborhood” 1/23/2011. In addition to plans that are well known, such as the 30th Street Extension road, the Whitewater Park and Esther Simplot Park; the article mentions talk of a community center and a baseball stadium as possible additions to the 30th Street plan.

The Statesman article goes on to mention the Capital City Development Corp, the the city’s urban renewal agency, “which has convened a steering committee to figure out how to make the 30th Street master plan a reality.”  CCDC’s website states that the steering committee “will be meeting over the course of the next six months to consider issues, alternatives and options.”

Mike Hall, of CCDC, visited the VPNA February Board Meeting on Monday (2/21/2011 – see minutes here). He emphasized that CCDC welcomes questions, concerns, etc… from residents. Mike can be reached at 208-384-4264 or mhall@ccdcboise.com. Mike noted a number of ways that residents can be involved and help shape what our neighborhood will look like in the coming years. One way is to join one of the following CCDC sub-committees:

  • Physical Infrastructure
  • Public Safety
  • Social Services
  • Policy and Regulations
  • Plan Addendum

VPNA’s primary concern with the current plan is pedestrian safety. The board would like to see a separate pedestrian / bicycle crossing, such as an underpass, of the new thoroughfare as an alternative to the proposed traffic light and crosswalk. One critical reason for this is the fact that the greenbelt’s new pedestrian bridge will allow Whittier Elementary students to walk to school, however students also will need to cross the 30th St Extension.

In other news,  Henry’s Farmers Market (the organic grocery chain) has withdrawn its interest in the vacant property on the corner of Bannock and 15th Street.

Board Meeting – Monday Jan 17th 6:30pm

You are welcome to join us – all board meetings are open to the public.

Location: Idaho River Sports at 3100 W. Pleasanton Ave.

Date & Time: Monday, January 17, 2011, 6:30-8:30pm

Agenda items:

  • Boise Police Department – Neighborhood Watch/Crime prevention program. Discuss ongoing crime and vandalism issues in the neighborhood. Invited guests include Charlene Miller and Guy Bourgeau of the Boise Police to speak to us at our meeting about tackling these issues.
  • Start planning the VPNA Annual Meeting which is set for March 21, 2011, 6pm at Whittier Elementary.

VPNA Board Meeting – All Welcome

Got nothing going on Monday, November 15th?  So its too dark, rainy, and cold for any outdoor fun?  Come to our VPNA meeting!  Like last time, it will be at the Idaho River Sports store at the corner of Pleasonton and 30th, by Quinn’s Pond.  Starts at 6:30, we will be going over our grants that we are applying for, including a proposal for historical signage and a neighborhood walking trail. We’ll also have an update on the progress of our newsletter.  See you guys there!