Attend and Testify at IFS Design Review Hearing on October 12

Interfaith Sanctuary has been continuing to develop their plan for their proposed homeless shelter at 4306 W State St. They have applied for Design Review which will be held on October 12, 2022 at City Hall starting at 6 PM.

Details on the meeting including links to sign up for Zoom or join via YouTube are at


WE ALSO NEED YOU TO SEND YOUR WRITTEN COMMENTS to the Design Review Committee by 5 PM Thursday October 6th. Send your comments to and be sure to indicate DRH22-00345 on the subject line and in your comments.

The Design Review application is DRH22-000345. It may be viewed on the City’s Accela website at Click the “Record Info and Documents menu on the” on the left side of the page. Then click “View Record Documents”. The page will update with a list of available documents (including the VPNA Comment Letter). Key documents of interest include the following:

  • Their updated Letter of Intent (PDS-Letter of Intent-). This highlights their intention to not build the Day Shelter building, and to increase the size of the main building by roughly 11,500 square feet.
  • Updated site plans and building floorplans which have names beginning with “PDS-Maps and Drawings”. These drawings show the changed floorplan and site plans. You will notice the population changes between adult male beds and adult women beds (6 less men and 6 more women); significant changes to building entrances; use of existing kitchen building for beds; new kitchen in main building; etc. There are many differences from prior plans and we encourage your thoughtful review.
  • The VPNA comment letter (VPNA COMMENT LETTER 9-22-22) which highlights some of the issues the VPNA has with this revised application.

Please contact the VPNA with any questions.

Mark your calendar for National Night Out!

Don’t forget to mark your calendar to come celebrate the break in the heat at Willow Park with your neighbors – Tuesday August 2, 6 pm!

Bring a chair or a picnic blanket, enjoy some free Dominos pizza, and chat with your neighbors or enjoy some lawn games. There will also be a chance to met some of your first responders.

The current forecast is for 91 degrees.

We look forward to seeing you at National Night Out at Willow Lane

City Council to Review Request for Reconsideration of IFS Approval


Tuesday, June 14 at 6pm

City Council will review Veterans Park Neighborhood Association and one other citizen’s request for reconsideration.

If you are able, please consider going to the meeting. However, more importantly, we urge you to email City Council members and Mayor McLean to take up the reconsideration.,,,,,,

Attend the City Council Hearings for CUP21-00026

Interfaith Sanctuary has appealed to City Council the Planning and Zoning Commission’s 5 to 1 vote to deny CUP21-00026 for a 205 bed congregate homeless shelter at 4306 W State St where the old Salvation Army thrift store used to be. The City Council will hold a hearing for this appeal beginning next week on April 18th through April 25th at City Hall. The dates and times are shown below:

  • Monday, April 18, 2022 – 4:00 – 9:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, April 19, 2022 – 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, April 20, 2022 – 4:00 – 9:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, April 21, 2022 – 4:00 – 9:00 p.m.
  • Monday, April 25, 2022 – 4:00 – 9:00 p.m.


We strongly encourage you to attend this multi-day hearing in person, and plan to testify if you are a party of record. You are a party of record if you have previously testified by providing written or oral comments. If you are able to testify (and are a party of record) please fill out this short survey (, or contact us ( If you need help with your testimony or have questions, please feel free to contact us as well.

We encourage in-person attendance. Advance registration is not required for in-person attendance or testimony. If you are only able to testify via Zoom, this is the link to sign up in advance (we believe the same link signs you up for all of the hearing dates):

We expect the first day of the hearing, Monday April 18th, to begin with presentations from both Interfaith and the Neighborhood Association followed by Q&A. While there won’t likely be public testimony that first day, it is very important that the neighborhood makes a strong in-person showing to demonstrate to Council our commitment. Public testimony is expected to begin on Tuesday the 19th at 10 AM. We know it will be a challenge for many of you to make it there, but please make a commitment to do so. There is a lot riding on this week-long hearing. Fortunately we are in a strong position. Please plan to attend!


The Veterans Park Neighborhood Association disagrees with Interfaith’s appeal, and strongly supports upholding the Planning & Zoning Commission’s denial of the CUP. You can view the relevant appeal documents:


Some neighborhood residents have asked how they can get one of the Lavender T-Shirts that many neighborhood residents wore during the Planning & Zoning hearings. During those earlier hearings, Boise Neighbors for Better Housing supporters had a large effective presence of “Boise, Better!” T-shirts in the room, and provided consistent, objective, and respectful testimony.

We need to show a large presence again! You can get a T-shirt by contacting Even if you are not a party of record, please plan to attend in person and wear your lavender t-shirt!


As you can imagine, these efforts are expensive. And, we expect our Legal Counsel to play a much greater role going forward. You can help by donating to the legal fund either through Boise Neighbors for Better Housing (BNBH), who has the primary financial administration role in this matter, or to the VPNA, who is a registered 501(c)3 so contributions are tax deductible if that benefits you. Below are ways you can donate:

  • To BNBH via PayPal at
  • To BNBH via VenMo at @boisebetter
  • To donate to BNBH via check, contact for more info
  • To VPNA via PayPal at (‘sending to a friend’ avoids the service fee)
  • To donate to VPNA via check payable to Veterans Park Neighborhood Association, you can either:
    • mail your donation check to VPNA at PO Box 6598; Boise, ID 83707
    • Visit Horizon Federal Credit Union at 1010 N Whitewater Park Blvd, Boise, ID 83703 and drop off your donation to the Veterans Park Neighborhood Association account with a teller

Thank you so much for advocating for our neighborhood

Zoning Code Rewrite Public Sessions

The City of Boise has been working on rewriting its zoning code. This is an important activity that impacts everyone in the City, but will likely have greater impact for the Veterans Park Neighborhood and other neighborhoods along Boise’s key corridors such as State Street.

Recently the City has released “Module 2” of their work to rewrite the code. It includes draft zoning code and zoning maps and the like. For more information please click the link in the below message from the City.

The City has scheduled a number of sessions, and if interested, please plan on attending the one at Boise High on April 6th (which is for our Planning Area); but it is OK to go to a different session, if you would like or the date/time doesn’t work, such as the one at Hillside Junior High on March 9th.

The City’s message follows:.

The City of Boise is excited to release Module 2 of the Zoning Code Rewrite. The Zoning Code Rewrite team is headed to your neighborhood planning area and staff would like to encourage you and your neighbors to attend these meetings. Staff will be talking specifically about how these proposed changes will affect your neighborhood. If people are not able to attend their specific meeting, we also have some community events lined up.

We encourage folks to sign up early and for the full list of events, please sign up here.

If you have additional questions specifically about the ZCR, please email and one of our staff will be able to speak more candidly.

2/12/202211:00am-1:00pmHousing + ZCRMain Library! William Hayes Aud.
2/16/20225:30-7:00pmWest BenchLibrary! at Cole & Ustick
2/23/20225:30-7:30pmHousing + ZCRZOOM
3/1/20225:30-7:00pmSouthwestWest Junior High Library
3/9/20225:30-7:00pmFoothillsHillside Junior High Library
3/31/20225:30-7:00pmSoutheast / AirportLes Bois Junior High Library
4/6/20225:30-7:00pmNorth End / East EndBoise High Library

Donation Drive

VPNA ended the year co-hosting a donation drive with Boise Neighbors for Better Housing to collect warm coats and other winter gear (including warm blankets, gloves, hats, boots, etc.) to distribute to shelters and organizations supporting the underserved throughout town! The main drive was 12/29, with additional donations collected throughout the week. We collected multiple car loads of donated items, and have distributed large loads of pre-sorted donations to the new pop-up shelter in the Linen Building started by Boise Mutual Aid, Corpus Christie, Interfaith Sanctuary, Boise Rescue Mission’s River of Life and City Lights shelters, Astegos, and the Phoenix Building, and some donations continue to be collected and distributed. Thank you neighbors for your donations!

We Need You!

Thank you to everyone who is already planning to testify at the continuation of the Interfaith Sanctuary Conditional Use Permit (CUP) hearing at City Hall or on Zoom this Monday, December 6th at 4 PM. 

If you haven’t already signed up to testify in person, or via Zoom, we need you! We need as many people as possible to testify at Monday’s hearing. While we would like to have you there in person, but you can also sign up for the Zoom and testify in that manner. We have pre-written testimonies that you can use, or you can give your own. 

Please contact VPNA at if you can provide testimony on Monday. Sign-up details are below. 

Note: the hearing starts at 4 PM, but we expect it to go late, so if you cannot join until a bit later in the day, please let us know. It should be fine.

You can sign up for the hearing on Monday, December 6th at:
 – Hearing Sign-up (bottom of page) in-person & zoom:
 – Zoom Sign-up: